
Metal polishing can be performed with several varieties of abrasive. The best abrasive for it largely depends on the condition of the material that will be polished. Polishing and buffing can also contribute to workplace safety. Helps prevent corrosion & brings out the shine in metallic surfaces.
In Refrahold, we do 2 types of polishing: Barrel Tumbling / Vibratory finishing.
In barrel tumbling, the parts are placed in a tumbling barrel along with finishing media (small pieces of metal, ceramic, or other materials) and compounds (like cleaners and polish). The barrel rotates at a set speed, causing the parts inside to tumble against the media and each other.
With vibratory finishing, the parts, media and compounds are placed into a tub, and instead of spinning like a barrel tumbler, the tub vibrates rapidly. The vibration causes the parts and media to rub together.